Tuesday, July 15, 2008

She did what?

She, as in me, started a blog. And since I'm new to this whole thing, you'll have to bear with me as my posts evolve into what I envision: A collection of my own and my mother's memoirs - many of which will contain entertaining bits and pieces of the men we've dated, are dating or hope to date in the future.

So why do I think that Tales of The Cryptic Men We Date will be so well-received or even received at all? In all honesty, I'm not sure. What I do know is that our stories have sent our friends and family into stitches on so many occasions that I cannot begin to count. I think you'll like reading the chronicles of these crazy, cryptic men, too.

The goal of this blog is to satirize the trials and tribulations of dating life across my mom's generation and my own. The real satire here is that she and I have discovered that no matter their age--baby boomer, gen x-er or younger--the men in our lives each leave us with something worthwhile to share.

With a Coke and a smile, I welcome you to enjoy the tales of an actively dating divorcee as told by her 20-something daughter.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think you made a good move switching from the mouthful that was "Tales of the Cryptic Men We Date" to the much more terse and consise "Tips and Quips from the Land of Tri Sarah Tops"

I mean it's tough to come up with a really catchy and descriptive name that's less than 50 characters, but you did it, you really did it! :-D