Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Red Lips - What's the secret?

I'm a huge fan of red lipstick, especially when paired with classy holiday attire, like Cameron Diaz did at Sunday's Broadway premier of Shrek the Musical. But here's the gig, I can never get out the door with my lips painted red. I feel overdone, like they are going to smear, etc. So, what's the secret? I want to rock the look, but I never do. Does everyone feel this way or is it just me?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I totally hear ya! I am like that with a lot of things. I can admire it on someone else and really like it, but if it's not my style, I feel uncomfortable even if I look great.

For example...flowers, ruffles, lace...no can do!

And remember..it's the confidence that makes you sexy!